" Any sort of learning journey often involves encountering challenging phases that test one's mental resilience. Many learners falter at these points, where the cognitive demands surpass previous levels. Those who persist through these tough phases tend to reap substantial benefits. Even if progress seems slower, it's crucial to endure these roadblocks, as this is where the most profound learning occurs. Accept these challenges as temporary roadblocks. They will eventually break, and be patient even if it takes longer. You must be worried if you aren't encountering any. The ability to navigate through these obstacles is essential for maximizing learning outcomes. "
Okay but why are you saying this, we are here to learn basic JS APIs !!
I get it. In this era of AI-dominated online content, allow me to infuse a touch of humanity into my inaugural blog post.
You finally finished watching that freecodecamp tutorial on the basics of Javascript. Now you finally know what's the single threaded nature of JS.
Then you have written your first function, those if and else statements and finally you have written your first "for loop" which prolly crashed your console.
You feel really good about yourselves and go on to obliterate some JS problems and BAM.....you suddenly feel like you have learnt nothing in the last 5 hours you spent sitting through that tutorial.
I know this feeling. Its important for you to remember how you deal with this state as it is going to happen a lot of times in your learning journey.
These 3 "checkpoints", (lets not call them roadblocks you pessimists), in JS are primarily
Basic in-built APIs JS has for you to use.
Async Nature of JS
Not being able to solve simple problems in JS isn't your fault. You just need to be aware that you have these APIs or methods or "code-snippets" available for you to use in these problems. So for the rest of this blog, we are just going to list down all of these APIs. You do not need to memorize them at all. Just understand what sort of output you get on using them and be aware that these exist. With that,
Lets Begin.
A JavaScript string stores a series of characters like "Rajinikanth".
let theOnlySuperStar = "Rajinikanth"
-theOnlySuperStar is a variable that stores the string "Rajnikanth".